Consider This: Read More Books

New things are happening here with the new year!  If you've been around me long enough you know that I absolutely love to read!  I firmly believe that having access to books growing up made such a difference in my life.  I could literally imagine a different kind of life and I worked to make that a reality for myself and my family.  It's not that I lived in a fantasy world, I just saw that families could be whole, parents could argue and reconcile and that we could make a difference in our communities by having a servant's heart. So I am working to share the love I have of books, the impact they can make in our lives and the joy that I experience with others are engaged in community around good books!  There are three ways that I am hoping to do this in 2021!

First, I have a goal of reading 19 books in 2021!  I am a avid listener of The Literary Life Podcast and this is their reading challenge this year (using #LitLife192021) as well, so I am jumping in fully.  I was able to complete the 20 books in 2020 challenge last year (even though I didn't finish my "intimidating book" from last year) so I'm feeling fairly confident in my goal this year.  I am challenging myself to some out of my comfort zone books, though.  This is where I feel I should confess something:  I struggle to read Victorian novels.  There, I said it.  I'm a bibliophile with a weakness for the true classic Victorian novel.  I hope this does not cause my membership to be revoked.  I can, however, listen to a Victorian novel and love and enjoy it fully.  So this year, I do have a goal to READ some Victorian literature and (fingers crossed) finish it.  I currently have Jane Eyre on my list.  However, I do tend to change my mind frequently, so stay tuned to find out how it all turns out.  What about you?  Do you have any reading goals this year?  I'd love to hear, so please share in the comments!  Also, you can follow my progress on Goodreads! I'd love to connect with you there.

Secondly, I am hosting a quarterly book club online!  Rachal's Reading Room will be a place where we can meet and chat about that quarter's book, but there is a little twist!  For this book club we will only be reading non-fiction!  We are starting with Alli Worthington's book Standing Strong, then we will be reading The Connected Parent.  I have some ideas for the last two books, but I'm not going to share them yet, so check back in this summer!  Are you a fan of non-fiction or do you find it hard to stay engaged?  Maybe this book club is just what you need to stretch yourself! Let me know if you'd like to join!

Lastly, I am working on a project that I'm not quite ready to share, and I know it's going to be a long process, but I hope that it will make a lasting impact!  I will keep everyone here in the loop so make sure you subscribe so you're not left out.  I am really nervous about this and I would really appreciate everyone's prayers and support!

Do you have any big goals for 2021?  Scripture tells us in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Let this be an encouragement to you and your journey.  If I can help, please reach out to and I'd be happy to chat. 


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