Consider This: Home Education

The perspective on home education is changing.  There are good things and bad things being said, thought and promoted about how and why parents may choose to educate their children at home.  Even within the community of home educators, the thoughts vary from family to family.  This provides great fodder for conversation, controversy and consideration.  It can also cause families that are considering home education for their family, or who are currently home educating to become anxious or unsure of their decision. 

When we step into a season of life, it is helpful to have others come along side you who can help you navigate that season.  Having peers who are new to the journey are awesome because you can build camaraderie.  Having a mentor is great, because they can often time point to some potholes and prevent you from tripping up.  Also, having a coach can help because they can help you develop an individualized vision and plan for you and your children.

That’s what I’m here for!  I have 14 years of home education experience and I want to help you create the vision for your family’s home education experience that will carry you through as you navigate the journey.  Coaching isn’t about telling you what you should do, it’s about helping you find the right fit for your unique family, your individual children and your teaching style.  If you are new to homes education, you have a child with special needs or if you’re reconsidering your current curriculum, I’d love to help you. 
  • Do you just want to have someone to run your plan by to make sure you haven’t missed anything or to get some help with making everything connect well?  I would be happy to provide a home education consultation which is a one-time meeting to help you assess your readiness and answer any questions you have.
  • Do you have no idea where to start or need to have someone walk through the planning process with you? I would love to help you develop your vision, plan your year and create a schedule for your family.  This is what you’ll have at the conclusion of my Home Education Planning Program.  This program will walk you through evaluating your priorities, your resources and your roadblocks so that you can know how to overcome them.  The goal of this program is to encourage you as you step into your school year with a clear path to follow. 

Don’t let insecurity keep you from home educating your children.  I’m here to help you find the best next step for you and your family. Let me help!


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