
Consider This: Read More Books

New things are happening here with the new year!  If you've been around me long enough you know that I absolutely love to read!  I firmly believe that having access to books growing up made such a difference in my life.  I could literally imagine a different kind of life and I worked to make that a reality for myself and my family.  It's not that I lived in a fantasy world, I just saw that families could be whole, parents could argue and reconcile and that we could make a difference in our communities by having a servant's heart. So I am working to share the love I have of books, the impact they can make in our lives and the joy that I experience with others are engaged in community around good books!  There are three ways that I am hoping to do this in 2021! First, I have a goal of reading 19 books in 2021!  I am a avid listener of The Literary Life Podcast and this is their reading challenge this year (using #LitLife192021) as well, so I am jumping in fully.  I was able t

Consider This: Home Education

The perspective on home education is changing.   There are good things and bad things being said, thought and promoted about how and why parents may choose to educate their children at home.   Even within the community of home educators, the thoughts vary from family to family.   This provides great fodder for conversation, controversy and consideration.   It can also cause families that are considering home education for their family, or who are currently home educating to become anxious or unsure of their decision.   When we step into a season of life, it is helpful to have others come along side you who can help you navigate that season.   Having peers who are new to the journey are awesome because you can build camaraderie.   Having a mentor is great, because they can often time point to some potholes and prevent you from tripping up.   Also, having a coach can help because they can help you develop an individualized vision and plan for you and your children. That’s what I’m h