
Showing posts from February, 2021

Consider This: Read More Books

New things are happening here with the new year!  If you've been around me long enough you know that I absolutely love to read!  I firmly believe that having access to books growing up made such a difference in my life.  I could literally imagine a different kind of life and I worked to make that a reality for myself and my family.  It's not that I lived in a fantasy world, I just saw that families could be whole, parents could argue and reconcile and that we could make a difference in our communities by having a servant's heart. So I am working to share the love I have of books, the impact they can make in our lives and the joy that I experience with others are engaged in community around good books!  There are three ways that I am hoping to do this in 2021! First, I have a goal of reading 19 books in 2021!  I am a avid listener of The Literary Life Podcast and this is their reading challenge this year (using #LitLife192021) as well, so I am jumping in fully.  I was able t